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Existentialism-- Just a bloody good excuse to go riding...

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

"eddy" bead by Copperhead

...1972 Mexico City. The Hour Record

Why, it's another kickass piece from my favorite bead guy, of course.

Pretty special one too..this was cast in honor of the cycling great, Eddy Merckx, aka "The Cannibal" What can be better! A cycling nut bead maker and an appreciating cycling nut customer..

The love of things metal started with bikes, which expanded to knives from an early age and of late a growing fascination for beads. A bike theme bead that's gonna be hanging off one of my favorite blade. Full circle!

"But.. what about skulls ?"

Ah yes-- another of my fascination. .. The young idealistic Forensic Anthropology student researching and writing his thesis on trepanation that consumed the entire summer of 95'

Trepanation or trephination: The art and cultures of surviving the drilling of holes in the cranium.

Yes, as always I'm lurking among things macabre and morbid :)

Ok time for me to shut up.. ... let the pictures do the talking. Enjoy.

"Eddy" on the Cambrium


As cyclists what we hope to see of course is the gracious sharing of roads and for all to be safe.
It ain't a one sided thing.. motorize or pedal powered we just need to do our part to keep everyone safe and get home for dinner with loved ones.  Ride Hard Ride Safe.
Imagine :- by John Lennon
"Imagine all the people...Sharing all the world.....oooh"

Check out cuprimzink on Instagram

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