The house needed some de-cluttering and half an afternoon gone into just that. Tried doing some reading afterwards but the mind just wasn't in the right frame... seems like its destined to be another Urban Pugsleyian spin.
Surrounded by swarms of people at Central, I heard the Pugs speaking to me....
Through the eyes of Large Marge and Fat Larry .
More More More.. Mall, Mall, Mall
Pugsley: " Puggy feels weird.. why is everyone staring at me"
Me : "Because you are fat. .. Ok... come let's get outta here"

Five cranes on 3.8" of rubber...
Optical illusion. Clouds looking more like some high sierra with a bit of imagination. If no one else sees it, then it just goes to show how bad my yearning for gravity rides and the elevation-withdrawal symptom is by now... Purists are gonna hate this but I'm so looking forward to a full suspension fat bike to bomb down 4-5k of descent with the intensity I would on the El Guapo.Will it materialize?
Aptly describes today's ride.
Another round of "More, more, more"... never ending number of construction cranes... Madness! Simply madness.
Wish they were really that small.. I would mow everything down with the Pugs now....
They must have heard me thinking... and sent a birdy to hit me right at the back of the skull.. Sh!t
Ah ok -- breathe in sssssssssslowly, exhaleeeeeeeeee and move on...
Well tended Heliconia angusta garden. Not natural but at least some green to take away all the foul taste of a concrete jungle.
Lilliputians! Ok I won't roll Larry over these cute ones... even if they are really that tiny.
Theory of Relativity. Always staring at where the Pugs is now from the opposite side. Somehow it looks just weird even though I'm actually living inside one of these little rectangles....
Well all rides come to an end.
Home sweet (de-cluttered) Home.
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